Suffering for more than 3 years Veritgo

Hello, my name is Ai Tan from the PH. I am 32 yo now, female.
My story of vertigo began during 2013, I was around 27 when this has strike me. I remeber always sleeping late at night atound 2 am but don’t really have effect in me being young and active. I always travel always getting tired adventurous and eveything. But i think it really hit me was the stress at work. One time when i had to walk from work because there’s no public vehicle around, i was walking in an isolated area when i began feeling dizzy and the moment i walked it get worst as i feel like i am loosing my balance. Luckily there’s a taxi and asked him yo rushed me to emergency room. That time i did know what it is. When i got there i explained to the doctor and he said it might be vertigo, gave me SERC 24mg and it subsided. I got really scared because i dont kniw what it is. The doctor prescribed a lot of medicine because i got anxious and nervous about it. I often been to emergency rooms because of this. Fast forward to 2014-2016, i had at least once a year vertigo atack, this time it is different. Lying down i turend to the rofht or left and my whole world spins fast like a washing machine in dark circular movement. I could bot eve blink, or move my eyeballs. It would tak em 3 days to actually sit down and more than a month to recover. After recover i would suffer with imbalanace while walking. I have past the days but it is full of anxiety and imbalance. Walking normal is next to impossible i had to carry an umbrella and always hace something to hold on. Sometimes people laugh but it doesnt matter. They dont understand my situation. I havent had this attack for two years now but I am still troubling walking. i have had, head Citi scan, MRI, overall check up, everything, it is all negative thank God. But i still struggle to get back to my normal life. I have not slept in my left side or lying flat for almost 2 years now cause there’s some sort of liquid thing that makes me dizzy. Doctors here unfortunately doesn’t help with long term recovery, i still struggle with walking in balance. I pray to God it will be taken away from me.

If you have the same experience, and can advise anything please help it would be a big encouragement for me. Thank you!

Gah yeah ear trouble is the pits. Have you tried one of the MAV medications? Eg Amitriptyline or Propanolol? I don’t think Serc is very effective for most people.


Sad story dear, hope u are better now, or hope u will find a good medication witch will help u! there are lots of online pharmacy that might. hopefully you’re gonna find them.

Thanks still looking for some doctors that could help!

Hi james, what do you mean by MAV? No other medications by doctors, but i will ask about the ones that you mentioned. I will visit other doctors. Thanks!

‘MAV’ is currently a fashionable diagnosis for people with vertigo but without significant hearing loss. One of the features of ‘MAV’ is 24/7 imbalance/dizziness. If you are in this bucket I suggest you try the medicine used to control symptoms, it can help even difficult cases a lot, as many on this board will atest.

MAV stands for ‘Migraine Associated Vertigo’. Some believe it is a migraine condition, but I believe this is extremely dubious and whilst migraine IS certainly involved, I suspect its purely a nasty symptom that is a knock-on effect of the underlying cause - imho this may be a leak from the inner ear and/or Secondary Hydrops. Indeed many ear conditions are known to cause migraine. (I was initially diagnosed with MAV, but have recently seen a surgeon who believes I have a leak from my inner ear, called a fistula, which has exactly the same symptoms, and indeed the treatment is much the same, except that there is a surgical option if conservative ‘wait and see’ doesn’t work out)

In any case I have genuine confidence with the symptom management protocol as its improved the quality of my life significantly so recommend to check it out. One of the good sides to ‘MAV’ treatment is it is conservative leaving your body with a chance to fix the underlying issue itself rather than rushing in with destructive or unnecessarily risky surgery.

Discuss the flowchart at the bottom of this page with your doctor:

There is also a great section of Dr. Hain’s wonderful website about medicine for vertigo:

You may also find relief with some diet restrictions - some board members swear by it. Usually restricting the 6 C’s is tried - this is Coffee (as in all caffeine), Chianti (as in Alchohol), Chocolate, Cheese (ie no dairy), Chinese food (MSG) and Citrus fruit. (interestingly whilst this is refered to as the ‘Migraine Diet’, people with Secondary Hydrops are ALSO told to consider reduction/elimination of the same things! Starting to see a pattern here?!) I’ve mostly eliminated alcohol. I have the odd coffee (its too enjoyable), but my caffeine intake is significantly reduced. I don’t think REAL chinese food is a problem, its just western takeaway chinese food which is bad (Real chinese food is generally very high in healthy vegetables and other fresh ingredients).

(FYI the symptom management is exactly the same for inner ear leaks which speaks volumes! See Perilymph Fistula)

Best of luck, I hope you find some relief with these drugs like I did. I’m not 100%, but I nearly live a normal life most of the time now.


Hi James! Thanks a lot for a very informative response. None of my doctors gave this kind of vertigo, it is only now that i read this forum that i have known MAV. The foods to avoid, all C’s i have stopped taking. Even though doctor’s did not tell me i noticed it myself about the foods that makes me dizzy immediately! Chinese food is number or should i say msg foods :wink: caffeine is second. I dont drink at all, so that’s not a problem, chocolates i also reduced, and dairy. Though i drink milk every night. I did loose wait and avoid processed foods as much as possible. It has helped a lot. I did went on regular exercise, sort of change lifestyle. But there are times it still attacks me. I think because it was not really cured. I have contacted a new doctor, i hope he/she will diagnosed me corrctly. Because i realy can’t biy the medicines with out prescriptions, but i will ask the doctors about it. Thanks a lot! I will post of any updates. God bless us all!

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