
Aaarrrggghhhhhh…when I started with Effexor 3 weeks ago my rocking went to the background almost immidiatly. But it’s coming back now full force…I hate this so much.

Agnes are you up to full dose?

Today was my 7th day of 37.5 mg yes

Hmmm … tricky one. I was lucky. Once I started Ami I never got that symptom again, even at 10mg.

Sneak through symptoms can and do occur with any med and at any dose but it’s a question of how well they are normally controlled.

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Ah, Agnes, so sorry you’ve had another set-back!:dizzy_face:

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oh nooo im sorry to hear this, it will pass please be patient (that’s coming from the worlds least patient person in the world ha) its so awful this illness you never know whats next to come I really wouldn’t wish this upon anyone,i read all these storys and I really really want to help everyone but theres nothing I can do other than try and stay positive for everyone and myself, im sure everyone is just like me and wishes they would wake up one day and this be gone,if I thought I could live a normal life without a vestibular system then I would have it surgically removed lol,stay strong agnes x


Thank you all!!

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