Does flying seem to reduce your symptoms?

I flew into a city for an appointment. Interestingly the flight did not seem to trigger vertigo or nausea (some mild).

It did trigger pain in my ears and create pressure in my middle ears. However, I’ve experienced that for most of my life.

What it did do is even more interesting. I had a stretch of 4 days where I was feeling like 70-80% of my formal self. I wasn’t running marathons. However, I was able to go to the hotel restaurant, appointments and a bus tour without major issues! Usually I don’t get many days like this in the winter. The flight clearly reduced some swelling in my neck. Maybe I am on to something?

I’m not sure if the pressurization/dry cabin air reduced swelling and inflammation and thus led to a reduction in symptoms?

Interesting. I’ve experienced a significant reduction in tinnitus when I work on an office floor at a reasonable altitude.

More news re: flight

Usually reading is a significant problem. I often can’t read an article from start to finish because my eyes jump everywhere.

However, interestingly during the flight home I could read several articles and could even create a sort of writers voice in my head. This is something that I struggle with 90% of the time.

Could the pressurization, elevation, air temperature or humidity have resulted in a reduction in my symptoms?

I went to the Chicago Dizziness Clinic and the doctor believes I am a migraineur. Perhaps certain environments are more ideal?

I think MAV is a victim of dogma in the medical community. Imho migraine is not the cause, simply one of the major symptoms.

I personally think MAV is a level of Hydrops in the ear, hence the pressure sensitivity.

Hain talks about how MAV is somewhat similar to Menieres and wonders if they are part of the same spectrum of conditions. I concur!

Any idea why I seem to like both high barometric pressure and high elevation? I believe the two variables oppose each other.

I travelled to Chicago (elevation 180 metres above sea level) and stayed on the 37th floor of a hotel (additional ~100m).

Air pressure decreases with altitude.

Back home in Vancouver I prefer high air pressure and clear skies and sleep 80m above sea level.