Valproate and Pregnancy

Just out of embargo (from Cochrane): A conclusion from looking at 28 studies was that use of sodium valproate during pregnancy to control epilepsy–I realize dosage may be different from what is prescribed for vestibular migraine–affected the fetus such that children showed lower Developmental Quotient and children lower Intelligence Quotient. Read as a Wiley release. I haven’t looked at the study itself:

Bromley R, Weston J, Adab N, Greenhalgh J, Sanniti A, McKay AJ, Tudur Smith C, Marson AG. Treatment for epilepsy in pregnancy: neurodevelopmental outcomes in the child. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 10. Art. No.: CD010236. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010236.pub2.
URL Upon publication:

News coverage in UK during 2018 means somewhere out there there is a newer study of this confirming many worst fears but, as far as I’m aware from reading, nobody in UK of child bearing age is prescribed it for MAv as these difficulties have long been established. Helen