Help me.

Ok, suffering major anxiety for days on end. Get help.

Honestly Iā€™m not anxious. What help do I get . Neurologist is in June. Er wonā€™t do an Mri I know I sound annoying but really why is it just at night Iā€™m fine during the day.

Your own doctor is first port of call always. Helen

If youā€™ve already had an MRI, you donā€™t need another one. MAV is plenty scary and can be disabling, but it isnā€™t anything thatā€™s actually serious. Sleep deprivation is.

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I had one may of 2015 but through this forum no one seems to have what I have. It wonā€™t let me sleep. I feel short of breath and dizzy floaty with a headache of a week now which is new. Pins and needles pain back of scalp but Iā€™m ok during the day dizzy wise. Itā€™s hard to describe how I feel. I know you say no need for another mri .

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Almost ALL OF US have what you have or we did at some point. You have a migraine with anxiety and insomnia. Get some sleep meds. Sleep. Read the wikis - youā€™ll find yourself in them. And then get some MAV meds so you can get on with living.


I tried it yesterday horrible reaction. How long can this not being able to sleep from dizzy last. Itā€™s easy to push meds but they are not for everyone

Helenā€™s kept her in bed for over a week. Some people stay dizzy for years. Iā€™m not pushing meds. Iā€™m telling you that sleep deprivation is very serious and you need to treat it. MAV folks are meds sensitive. We still need them most of the time to get to functioning - though some of us manage to get off of them with time.

You need to see a medical professional - preferably today.

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You scaring me. My go. What do I tell her. Sleep dep serious how

People who donā€™t sleep have a tendency to have psychotic breaks. Not to mention it makes everything seem much more catastrophic than it actually is. Go to whatever your equivalent of urgent care is and tell them you have VM are too dizzy to sleep and need something to help you sleep. Given this has been going on for more than a week, I think you know what more of the same thinking and behavior will get you. Itā€™s time to change up your strategy and ask for some help - then act on it.


Iā€™m still recovering from a bout of insomnia myself and I can tell you I felt pretty crazy with all kinds of strange attacks of heart beating too fast and weird sensations in the body. I became scared of sleep actually and was convinced that if I slept too much it would make things worse. Sleep deprivation ruins your ability to solve your own problem, which is why you need to admit that at get help from a doctor. I highly recommend trying Amitryptyline is it will help with sleep (Iā€™ve been on it for about 5 weeks now). Then work on insomnia techniques such as basic sleep hygiene, cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia, and possibly sleep restriction to get your circadian rhythm back.

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Is it because you couldnā€™t sleep as soon as you closed your eyes unwell ?

I only have insomnia because vertigo wont let me sleep

Doesnā€™t matter why you have insomnia. People can get insomnia from all kinds of things, including severe pain. If you have it, you need to find some way forward that allows you to sleep.

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How when i cant control the dizziness or sinking feeling its impossible

What have you tried so far? Amitryptyline? Valium? Meclizine?

Starts with p i threw it out but 4 yrs ago i had and mri and today im getting another im really worried.

Ok, well there arenā€™t many of us here that have pushed through these bad times without medications. Best advice I can give is to ask your doctor about them. If I could magically put a dose of amitriptyline and valium in your stomach right now I probably would, but I canā€™t, you gotta do that.


So would I.


Have you slept?

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