Eyes don’t keep up with my brain

No, both eyes feel the same now although at first my left eye felt like it was spinning in my head for quite a while, closing one eye doesn’t make any difference to my vision

I feel sometimes better with one eye closed and its eqsier to do tasks like turning my head or focus on things. Its like all my symptoms go away :thinking:

Sounds like you have a unilateral issue. Do you get tinnitus in the ear on that side?

No I dont have a tinnitus problem, just random tinnitus sometimes with hearing loss lasting for seconds.

Is that on the same side as your eye issues? ie the eye you have to cover to feel less symptoms?

If I cover any of the eyes I feel better. No its just random in both ears but I would say it is more frequent to the right side (the right side feels bad)

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I’ve just been out walking and this quote soon came into my head again today.

I’m beginning to think more and more that this type of ‘disorientation’ whatever the experts might attribute it to, is basically an extension of light sensitivity. I have thought that before but feel today’s outing rather does confirm it to me. I’ve been walking out across stubble (harvested wheat fields) in the rain so I’ve had a nice mix of reflected light from different sources (the stubble, the apparently light clouds on the horizon beneath dark cloudy skies). I walked out wearing a brimmed baseball cap and wearing photo chromatic glasses. I didn’t bother to put on my total wraparound sunglasses (had them with me) because it was already so dark and I had rather hoped to be able to see where I was going so I hoped the glasses would do but no the reflected light still ‘got’ me. Sensitivity to reflected glare is one of the most common photophobic conditions so saith my ‘pet’ optician. It still all comes back to the MAV hypersensitivity not being sufficiently under control but interesting all the same. Helen


An alternative view is that your brain is unable to stabilise your eyes because of constant conflicting information from your VOR & inner ears versus other inputs added to potential neurological ‘noise’ from migraine activity. Without your eyes being stable they surely won’t be able to focus?


Does anyone have difficulty scanning back and forth stuff too?

Oh, I didn’t have any problem with focusing. Everything near and far was perfectly clear. I’m sure if I’d worn the wraparound over-glasses on top of my photo chromatics it wouldn’t have occurred. All the symptoms stem from the condition via whatever mechanism I know not and senses just go hyper, tolerance thresholds drop and I react to the light. Cutting out more light would have reduced the brain’s struggle to cope. Helen

I’m gonna guess most of us. That’s what we’re talking about with both motion intolerance and visual vertigo, especially the latter. Yesterday I was in the forest. I stood perfectly still, kept my head still and slowly scanned from right to left and slowly back again. I watched the trees jump back and forth until I could feel buzzing in my frontal lobe and my stomach threatened to turn over. So about 5 seconds.

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I can totally relate to the visual issues while out walking or in busy noisy environments. This annoying symptom was drastically reduced for me when I was on 137.5mg Venlafaxine XR. however I began to experience skipped heartbeats at that dose and so I reduced to 125mg and subsequently to 112.5mg. Unfortunately the dizzy floaty drunk head is back in full force - in fact yesterday after about an hour in the shopping center I had a full blown migraine (I am sure it was the lights in the butchers shop that set it off as I was fine in the coffee shop) it was so bad it was like when all of this started 3yrs ago. I quickly got home and sat on couch for a while hoping the dizziness would recede, it didn’t and then I began to experience cold sensations in arms and legs and my head was so tight and dizzy. I got into such a panic because I thought I was going to collapse that I ended up in a neighbors house and remained on their couch for 4 hours until my hubby came home. Today I am much improved however I have just come back from walking my dog and I had the same dizzy floaty head again, I was conscious of the camber of the footpath and every time I turned my head I felt that whoosy off balance feeling.

That sucks. I know that feeling really well. Perhaps this is a minor relapse. Or maybe your thresholds are low right now. Any diet or lifestyle tune ups you could implement? (I’m actually laying in bed now with my head swimming, so that’s on my mind, too.)

I’m beginning to wonder if the recent sudden changes in barometric pressure over the UK coming after several, maybe as much as three weeks, steady high pressure could account for some of our symptoms. You’re the second person to wonder if you were regressing to years back in a couple of days and in general terms I’m pretty much in similar circumstances the last couple of days, only I’ve no drugs change at which to lay the blame. The ‘dizzy, drunk, floaty’ head, the ‘cold sensations’, the ‘so tight dizzy head’ and the

I’m with you all the way, and I can add in, not a constant dizziness but a constant unbalance type feeling. Today is Day Three and I’m bored with it. Strangely enough I walked up the High Street in my current ‘unbalance’ state and a certain amount of drizzle but felt better in each of the two stores I entered which is the exact opposite of how it usually is with me. In fairness to MAV I was no worse in the High Street than I’ve been anywhere (except in bed) over the last two days. Currently the ‘unbalance’ feeling is pretty much constant. Helen


Someone asked me today why in God’s name would I show up for a kickboxing class when I’m so obviously struggling. Because I will not stop living my life. Suffering on the couch is no better than just getting on with it. And bed is boring. I’m sorry you’re struggling. I’m glad you’re getting on with it my MAV warrior friend.