Nortriptyline vs Effexor - side effects/withdrawal

HI all, first post here,

Been feeling like this since beginning of July and was diagnosed with inner ear virus , then BPPV ? then last week told I have MAV that is silent .
I have had BPPV before but for many years have not had trouble . I am a motion sick person and take meds if flying etc

I tried Effexor XR last week for 3 days but was so sick and zhombied out on it , stopped, but my PT said to try 1/3 dose so today after a few"’ better "days I have taken the plunge again , and I have to say I am scared out of my wits

I am, like you all, so sick of feeling this way and hoping that by taking it slow this drug might help , so sorry to have to meet you all here, please tell me there is a light at the end of this horrible tunnel
