The problem of constancy

This disorder is very difficult to work out. It has its normal fluctutations, worse for a period of time, then a bit better for a while. And throw medications and other treatments into the mix and it makes it very difficult to know what’s helping and whats not. I recently weaned myself of Lamictal very slowly, finally, and after stopping, it was pretty clear to me that I was worse symptoms wise. Looking back, I think Lamictal improved things about 50%. I recently saw my ENT surgeon who suggested I try local treatments to the ear, as there have been some abnormalities on ENGs on the left in the past. I had a ventilation tube put in and am now putting dexamethasone drops into my left middle ear. So far…it may be helping, hard to know for sure at this stage. I am keen to try neurontin too but I am going to give this a go for a month or so before I add anything else in to the mix. I am beginning to wonder whether this is a disorder that you can treat from both ends - peripherally from the vestibular apparatus, or centrally via the brain. I wish there were definite answers.