One eye shrinking in size

Hi All,

I had a bad migraine for two days and today i was shocked looking in the mirror that my left eye is all red and probably half the size of my right eye. It looks like my left eye alone is swollen. Is this an artifact of migraine. Something i can write it off as a migraine symptoms or should i get this checked out ? Appreciate if anyone has had a similar experience.

Do you mean your pupil, or the whole eye?

Get that checked out. I wouldn’t panic, but I’d definitely not leave anything to chance.

Given the strange feelings I’ve had its not beyond the realm of possibility that this is an outcome of some neurological vestibular process going awry. Hopefully it will settle down and get back on track!

(sorry to hear, Vignesh, that sounds really uncomfortable and anxiety inducing, ugh)

James, It is my whole eye, I am going to ice and moist heat and hopefully it goes away

Sorry to hear that Vignesh. Could it possibly be allergies? It is allergy season after all.

It could be allergies too @Young_Lee …too much of bias tying everything to VM :slight_smile:

Dr. Stanton says that’s a regular symptom of migraine. It’s how her own husband knows when she has a migraine coming on. She suggests we all take daily selfies to know how to watch for it and respond accordingly.

Vigs, Theraspecs didn’t help? :slightly_frowning_face:

Emily wow…I did not know that factoid…This happened over the weekend and i don’t use therapsecs over the weekend as i expect computer time to be minimal !!

Sounds horrid! I cannot believe some of the symptoms this crap is capable of!

This is interesting. Many years ago (as far back as when I was in college), I remember waking up one day and having the area around one eye (the eyelid both above and below) swollen, and the skin looked sort of pink in the swollen area below the eye. By the next day it was back to normal. This happened a couple of different times.

I never figured out what caused it. My guess was an allergy but to what, I have no idea. I couldn’t figure out anything I had done differently, or eaten, or touched.

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I haven’t had that one, but my wife noticed about three months into my myriad medical appointments that my right eye (the one that rattles in the socket sometimes when attacks come on) had a tiny pupil.

How is your eye now Vignesh?

Hey @Young_Lee thanks for asking. Eye is better and slowly opening up…I there is some blurry vision in my left eye and I think it might take a week to become 100%…How are you on diamox?

@Manatee I saw a girl’s video on migraine and she had an eye just like someone punched her in the eye…So I guess migraine can cause it. And I had a migraine in the same side of the head.

Glad to hear it’s calming down, Vignesh. That must be an absolutely ghastly symptom!

That suggests some kind of inter-relationship between migraine and homeostasis? The mystery deepens!

@GetBetter Not good. The symptoms are getting worse. Especially the pulling down sensation magneto head as James likes to call it.

@Young_Lee you know what we say on this site when we run out of things to say. Try amitriptyline @10mg and see if it helps.


Regarding ami I have been meaning to ask about med interactions. If diamox is suppose to directly address the ear issue and ami is suppose to cover it up, doesn’t that cancel each other out? Or should I drop diamox and move onto ami. The weird thing is when I first took diamox at 1 pill a day, it was helping but effects wore off after 1 week. Then about 1.5 months ago, i bumped it up to 2 pills a day and it was just ok for 2 weeks and the effects wore off again. I’m also interested on effexor as well even though it does have horror stories on this board.

I actually like effexor and it is the other drug i am on. So far no major side effects on effexor. You might see a neuro to get the migraine meds. As for med interactions you can ask you neuro if it is alright to mix diamox and ami. Also diamox itself is used as a med in certain cases to treat MAV/VM as well.

Thx for the info. what dosage are you on effexor and are you taking ami along with it as well?

I don’t know what diamox is but, @Young_Lee, another source of information is your local pharmacist. He should be easier to contact than a doctor, and he should be well-versed in drug interactions.