Ocular or retinal migraine

Ironic really. I worked on computers for ever, long, long hours. Always knew they were triggers to an extent but itā€™s surprising, more than coincidence, a couple of hours on PC first in three or more years and BAM! Despite meds and general great improvement in balance. Helen

@Amylouise. My homemade Chinese should be fine. No MSG and no soy sauce. Unless itā€™s the vinegar and pineapple which is ā€˜bannedā€™ by John Hopkins Diet plan. Helen

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Well, thatā€™s interesting, the timing. I could say much the same with regards to timing. As you say itā€™s minor compared with 24/7 dizziness, or 8 days of constant vertigo! Helen

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Ah didnā€™t realise it was home made I never know what triggers me food worse but I do try to avoid as much as I can :grimacing:

Iā€™d possibly guess the pineapple. I stay away from pineapple (citrus) and pickles (fermented) when cooking. You could try to see if one or the other causes it. I definitely use white vinegar to cook which isnā€™t a trigger instead of lemon (citrus trigger).

Iā€™ll be humming along just fine and then out of nowhere my thresholds will hit the floor. Happened yesterday. I walked away from my dinner just as we were ready to eat and hid in my bedroom with earplugs and a sleep mask for over an hour. Apparently, it was a good dinner but I certainly didnā€™t want it.

MAVā€™s like a boomerang.

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