New member...possibly have MAV?

Hi Steph

Sounds to me, very much like MAV. I reckon you know that too, but sometimes it can be hard to accept that actually, all these symptoms that seem ‘balance’ and ‘ear’ related, are actually migraine. I disputed it at first as well… But looking back, it all makes sense, and comparing myself to everyone else here, it all makes sense, and reading Heal my Headache, was like turning every page and saying “Oh theres me!” every time.

In my humble opinion, your history points towards MAV (migraines with aura, migraine in the family and menstraul related migraine). And the fact you got dizzy when you had the antibiotic could be either a cooincidence, or the fluid build up happened, alongside the MAV kicking off concurently, not as a cause/effect.

Can migraine really be causing this? Yep. As I said, hard to accept I know. But your history and your description of the dizzies (ie not true vertigo, eye pressure, etc) sounds like MAV. Read Heal your Headache

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It will help you come to a conclusion either way.

Like 24/7 dizziness even outside Of a migraine? Yes. Your brain is irritated. And You don’t even need to have a headache to be diagnosed with MAV. Don’t forget headache is just 1 symptom of migraine. Migraine is not headache. It is a neurological disorder whereby your brain has trouble processing sensory input.

Or does this mean I have cOnstant migraine? You have a chronic migraine disorder.

The dizziness is making me super anxious and my anxiety is now out of control. I am considering going On cymbalta and have heard this can treat MAV / migraines too. Is it worth a try? I’m paranoid about side effects though because I’m slightly a hypochondriac too… Definately worth trying yes. I know it’s scary going on meds, and you may encounter side effects, but its is worth pushing through in the hope of gaining control over this condition. You can get better by taking a helping hand with the drugs. You are not slightly hypocondriac- you have probably been told that you are whinging over nothing for so long- well, you’re not. You have a problem and now you wanna get a handle on it, that’s not whinging over nothing!

How do you deal with the dizziness? Keep going? Stay hopeful? Especially with all the waiting and and misdiagnosis?.. You try to keep positive. You take one day at a time. If you have a bad day, you think of the last time you had a good day and you know that you’ll get there again. I won’t lie, this thing isn’t linear and you won’t be better in 1 week, maybe not 1 month… but you WILL get better. It needs patience. And you have everyone here for support and advice.

Hope I’ve been of some help. I’m going through a crappy patch myself and can’t work it out so sentences are a bit garbled xx