New here- Med Questions

Yeah, anxiety can be a big problem with all this. I’ve found that the Verapamil can help get the anxiety down by making you tired and sleepy and a bit more relaxed. Be careful starting at too large a dose with Verapamil or it may increase anxiety a bit. I would encourage you to start Verapamil earlier but at a lower dose, say 40mg or something like that at bed time. That’s what I did and it worked out well for me.

CBD oil can also help a bit I think, not sure where you are located.

I’ve also found that putting my palms over my eyes and focusing on the black is helpful. Try to get your eyes to calm down and be able to stare into the blackness. I found this in a book I am reading called “The Brain’s Way of Healing” (thanks @dizzy3). With vestibular disorders, the eyes are soooo over used that much of the anxiety comes from your eyes being so tired you don’t want to look at anything anymore. So, you aren’t loosing your mind, your mind is largely not the problem, its anxiety of the body. So try to use your mind to figure out which areas of your body are being overused and try to find ways to give them some relief. Have you tried migraine glasses that have a rose or orange tint? That can help a lot too.

You got this! Keep going!

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