My Neurologist dropped me

I was diagnosed with MAV and could not tolerate side effects of venlafaxine or the other meds under that. Very bad feeling but I do have to believe there is something you could take that would accompany or aleeve the side effects of that poison like effexor.

Dizzy Frank

For some it is poison, for some it is a life saver. Welcome to the world of MAV meds. There is definitely a med out there that will work for you. Use the flowchart from Dr.Hain and work your way through this systematically. Good luck.

See flowchart at end of the above page

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Find a new neurologist or neuro-otologist. MAV makes it very hard, but we have to be aggressive patient advocates for ourselves. And Vigs is right. Keep trying meds. We are all individuals. Topomax is a poison for me but Effexor is a panacea. There is a good med or low dose combination of meds out there for you. All of them have side effects, but some are very much worth it.