Migraine glasses / Lenses

— Begin quote from “AnnaMarie”

Can you use these glasses with your own glasses, or is it for people who don’t wear glasses only ?

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You can get them with prescriptions lenses. It’s a special tint called FL-41
brainpowerusa.com/shopping/x … ctid=16422
I had to spend a week making phone calls before my optometrist found a lab that would use it. I can’t wait for mine to come in!


I can’t get that link to work.

What colour are the lenses tinted? Do you look like an idiot wearing them?


— Begin quote from “missmoss83”


I can’t get that link to work.

What colour are the lenses tinted? Do you look like an idiot wearing them?


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Sorry, just google FL 41 Tint. The color will depend on how dark the lab makes them. It’s like dying your clothes., you can adjust the darkness. The recommended darkness is 55% I think. The color should be a rosy orange. I will look stupid wearing them as I look horrid in pink, but I’m hoping it will be worth it. I have a friend who got the tint a year ago and she looks adorable. Just depends on you and your glasses. Perhaps you only wear them in under lights or while on a computer and just resign yourself to a unique look.

Googled it. God, I gotta be honest, I really don’t want to be wearing those in the office, people will think I’m mental.

But if it works, I guess it’s worth it.

I wear mine all over the place, and honestly, no one really gives it a second look. They kind of end up looking like transitions lenses that are mid-transition, so I don’t think people find it all that odd. And if they do, uhhh they can suck it up and look away! :smiley:

if these are going to help me stay in the office and do my job, then they will def be worth it.

I am keen - i already wear glasses and i am having an eye test next week - i am going to try and get 2 pairs - 1 normal and 1 for migralens - anyone ordered them for prescription glasses?

if they let u keep working then its prob worth it. that is a good point if anyone asks you can say they are transition lenses or something like that- you can say you have a weird prescription and these help you the most or something like that.

My eye doctor just called and mine are in! Woo!
I’ll try and post a picture of them this weekend.

My new glasses. They are pretty dark. I think if they work I will have the next pair made just a little lighter. Oh and on different lenses. I don’t like the shape of these.

tracy u look very dizzy chic!

My first pair was just a stock pair, and then I ordered my second pair with a prescription in it and in my own frames. I rarely wear the non-prescription ones anymore, mainly just to work in, since it is so nice to have the Rx in it.

Just had my prescription done - and about to order some migrane lenses for them
Anyone else seen improvements in dizzyness after wearing these?
Has there been any research showing how successful these are?

— Begin quote from “cathbones13”

Just had my prescription done - and about to order some migrane lenses for them
Anyone else seen improvements in dizzyness after wearing these?
Has there been any research showing how successful these are?

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I’ve been wearing mine for about a week and I think that yes there is absolutely improvement.

I’m looking for some advice on FL41 tinted glasses.

I’m in the UK and Specsavers have said they can get me glasses with an FL41 tint from a company called BPI.

I can’t decide whether to buy myself a pair from Specsavers or to simply buy a pair of frames and send them off to Axon, as they are a specialist company. On their website, Axon claims their FL41 tints are more effective than others as they are a specialist provider (although I am conscious this could just be marketing). Also they provide both indoor and outdoor versions of their lenses (ideally I am probably only looking to buy an indoor pair for work because I am very sensitive to artificial flourescent lighting).

Obviously, both options will cost me quite a lot of money. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Axon Optics Migraine Glasses (US only)
More relevant eyewear here

I’m in the US and don’t know anything about Specsavers, but I bought mine from Axon (first a stock frame pair, then a pair with my own frames and prescription) and have been happy. I am very photosensitive (flickering lights, etc.) and they ended up working really well for me even though I was very skeptical. They won’t necessarily work for everyone, so I can’t promise success with other people, but I was happy from a customer service standpoint. I don’t know how things will change being overseas - I imagine customs and the like could slow the process down.

Does anyone know if colourimetry testing can play any role in finding the best tint for migraine sufferers?

— Begin quote from “dizzyhell”

Does anyone know if colourimetry testing can play any role in finding the best tint for migraine sufferers?

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I had to go look up the word. I’ve no idea, but I know the specific wavelengths used in the FL41 are the most common in florescent lights and LCD displays that are not present in natural light. I use to have the numbers written down but I can’t find them now. It’s a specific blue and a specific green light that are the problems.

— Begin quote from “dizzyhell”

Does anyone know if colourimetry testing can play any role in finding the best tint for migraine sufferers?

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I have heard mixed reviews. I’m not sure there is much evidence backing it up at this point.

Six months on since wearing the Axon Optics glasses I can say that they are a big success! I wear them all day at the computer and - if I remember - when I go to shopping centers. I was initially reluctant to wear the glasses as the tint seemed dark to me. But really, nobody gives me a second look and they have helped me to feel so much better. I can’t say enough good things about Axon’s customer service, and the quality of the lenses is great. After trialling the first pair I returned them and sent my own frame in to have their lenses fitted. These are more comfortable and suit my face better. If you suspect that lighting might be a trigger for you, I highly recommend giving them a try. :wink:

This image links to a product members have found helpful and at the same time help fund the site: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks for your support!

Axon Optics Migraine Glasses (US only)
More relevant eyewear here
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— Begin quote from “monster”

Six months on since wearing the Axon Optics glasses I can say that they are a big success! I wear them all day at the computer and - if I remember - when I go to shopping centers. I was initially reluctant to wear the glasses as the tint seemed dark to me. But really, nobody gives me a second look and they have helped me to feel so much better. I can’t say enough good things about Axon’s customer service, and the quality of the lenses is great. After trialling the first pair I returned them and sent my own frame in to have their lenses fitted. These are more comfortable and suit my face better. If you suspect that lighting might be a trigger for you, I highly recommend giving them a try. :wink:

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I find myself constantly telling people about them, even when they don’t ask, since they helped me so much. After I had the first pair for a few weeks I had a second pair made using the tint at 30%. They aren’t quite as dark but still give me the benefit. I am thinking about trying a third pair at 15%. I wear prescription glasses so I wear them 100% of the time.