Johns Hopkins

Did anyone go to Hopkins? Did they do anything besides the usual? I have been seen at Drexel and Jefferson in Philadelphia. I was diagnosed with Vestibular damage and MAV. I failed VRT as it triggered migraines and worsened things overall. I am being cared for at Jefferson for my MAV but the Vestibular Disorder is being ignored. I have typical vestibular symptoms and a lot of cognitive problems and fatigue. Pretty much if you read the list of vestibular symptoms I have them. I was wondering if Hopkins does anything to address these issues? Or if they do anything beyond typical VRT? If so…how does it work? Do you commute there weekly for therapy?

John Carey at Hopkins is the gent who said No, you don’t have Meniere’s, you have MAV; boosted me on nortriptyline, sent me to read Heal Your Headache. Helped me a helluva lot.

Hey Dave, what are your symptoms if I may ask? Is your notrip over 20mg? Has the HYH diet worked out?


Symptoms now: sometimes queasy and headachey; less often dizzy too; or/and fuzzy-headed. At its worst has been known to trigger seizure activity, not directly part of MAV.

Nortriptaline: 75g MG every evening.

Diet: Cutting out caffeine/theobromine started me back on my feet. Adding the rest of the diet put me as close to normal as I am. And that’s even with a whole lot of foods added back in after experimenting. I even can have decaf or a wee bit of choc on good days. Meaning barometer’s not fucking with me, reasonable amount of sleep, etc.