I'm at a loss,so torn..

So I had my big Mav episode 2& a half years ago,it was a big bang,happened very suddenly,was totally bedbound for about 6/8 weeks.
I had full rotational vertigo as a child and developed migraines about aged 18(now 38)
Anyway,I’ve always been scared of meds but was so desperate to get better,drs put me on pizotifen and propranolol,so have been on them just over 2 years now.
My Mav is controlled to some degree,I still get pain migraines most days I can cope with that,it’s the Mac I can’t function with,(I’m a mum of 3 young kids),but I have had horrendous 5 stone weight gain,I’ve been trying since last January to lose the weight,I’ve lost 1 stone…
Neuro and drs(as does hubby) want me to try topamax and I am just so scared!!
I’m scared of the side effects,I’m scared my mavs gonna come back bad that’s what I’m most terrified of…
I’ve seen drs for help with my weight,they just want me to try topamax.
I am so torn,confused,don’t know what to do,the drs are now saying to try cognitive behavioural therapy for my reluctance to try topamax!!
They just don’t get,I CANT be back there again,I can’t be bedbound,too terrified to move.
I’m scared if I try it incase Mac comes back bad and then I go off them and pizotifen/prop doesn’t work anymore…

hi, i totally understand you being scared. I was the same with effexor. What about antidepressants used for mav before going to topamax? i agree though to go to therapy, to talk through the fears. I had to do it to be able to go on effexor.

Hi there

First you have all my sympathy. I know exactly where you are coming from. The fear if MAV returning is most probably far greater than the actual occurrence would be because, when these things do happen, you cope, you just get through it, you do, you have to. You have a young family and there is no choice but to cope. And you do. You will. Have no doubt about that but let’s hope it doesn’t happen anyway.

From your script I assume the medics want you to change meds because of the weight gain you have experienced and in the hope Topiramate will help you to lose it. Presumably there are additional health concerns for you with the increased weight gain. It’s a difficult nut to crack really. Many people find they cant tolerate Topiramate and if you are scared to take it in the first place that anxiety would surely push you in favour of joining that club which would leave you without the drugs which are currently helping you. I have read that the weight reduction property of Topiramate only kicks in at high doses anyway so I would explain your fears again to the medics and ask if they can offer any other alternative preventative. Ask whether you could try exchanging pitozien or propranolol for another alternative first or evev whether it’s possible to add Topiramate into your current mix to see how you get on with it first, or ask about Botox maybe. One thing one can almost guarantee is if you can keep your current level of the drugs you are on and add in, any relapse/setback caused by the change should only bring on a milder version of previous attacks, not the Full Monty as you might say.

Really do some research (Dr Hain’s dizziness-and-balance.com good place to start) yourself to go armed with and try to tackle this problem with all the logic you can muster. If you really feel you are too scared to try Topiramate (join my club, I’d be the same) just put your foot down very firmly and say so. Out loud. It is your body after all. Don’t be bullied. You have lost a stone this year. I would imagine that’s a good loss. It’s not safe to lose too much too quickly. If you can sustain that you will get there. Little steps take you the long road. It just takes longer that’s all.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a useful tool. Might be worthwhile. It’s supposed to teach one to cope with uncertainty. It’s quite an interesting concept in itself. Teaches coping with irrational fears and emotions. However if you are med sensitive (typical in migraineurs generally) and you already know what a powerful drug and how difficult it can be to tolerate one could easily argue your fear isn’t irrational. Neither is your fear of upsetting your drug regime,which currently seems just about to be holding things together for you to function, causing an acute MAV relapse. You could keep them all sweet, do some CBT while you research then you decide what you want to do. You are a mum of three, you run a home, you are more than capable of chosing your own way forward. Don’t be bullied. You chose. Good Luck. Helen

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I agree with Helen, it is your body and you are not only thinking about you. I am with you, all started for me after the birth of my son, and i keep seeing all my treatment options, my ability to function and take care of baby was priority.