Help visual hell

Hello. I’m struggling with vm for about 2 years with it being chronic but 6 years all in suffering with visual vertigo quite bad. I have just increased amitriptyline to 35 which I feel has made me feel worse. What else can I try to help? I’m mega sensative to meds and tried quite a lot but given up due to side effects.

If you’ve just increased the dose, you’re going to have to wait it out a week or two. Every increase in dosage I do gets way worse then slowly better. Turn blue blockers on for all screens or at least reduce the brightness. Use page up/down instead of scroll. Pay attention to your symptoms. When you notice dizziness, nausea, headache start inching up more than 1-2 out of 10 from where you started, take a break. Wear dark glasses under bright or artificial lighting. Look to the horizon not the ground when you can. Have faith. It gets better. And when that doesn’t work, I take 1/2 a meclizine/Dramamine/bonine.

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Thank you for your reply. I’m noticing I’m so sensative to light constantly. My balance is off feel awful every day. I’m having Botox Friday preying it will help

I’ve been there. It’s a special hell. When you stabilize a bit, consider VRT. Helped me tremendously. Stay strong. Or cry and mope a bit and then get strong. It will settle down.

I am currently having Botox treatment( 2 lots so far) if theres anythiing you would like to ask regarding this i can give some feedback from my own personal experience. I tried a LOT of meds and couldnt tolerate them so was approved Botox, first lot in May and have just had another 31 injections August 3rd
Jo x

wat VRT did u do for visual veryigo?

I actually had VRT with a Physical Therapist. The first thing she did was testing and check for BPPV. We started with simple eye following exercises. At first I would puke just watching a post card with an X on it going slowly side to side 3 times. We eventually incorporated head movement and then, as I slowly compensated, we moved on to more visually challenging backgrounds. By the end I was counting cars on passing freight trains. Now I can kayak in a heavy chop.

Yes VRT can help. At the start it helped me build a tolerance to motion (puke!) and then later it seemed to actually improve balance. It wasn’t a smashing success though, lots of steps forward and back. Sometimes it just flat out made things worse, but probably I was overdoing it. I took a lot of breaks with it, sometimes as much as a month or more. It doesn’t solve everything, but it is definitely one way to at least increase tolerance to visual stuff over time.

That’s amazing well done to

Has it helped with vm?

I had daily chronic headache, neck pain the Bottox has helped a LOT with that element of MAV…im still waiting for it to kick the dizziness and disconnected feeling along with the severe motion intolerance as i still experience that daily…my neuro has told me to persevere and give it time before retrialling any more meds
Jo x