
What are peoples experiences with Gabapentin (alone)? Please share.

Good for two days at a very small dose. Then, got progressively worse. Difficult to get off of even after only one week.

Wish it were better.

Sorry to hear that Sal.

Currently on a tiny dose - 100 mg/day. Was on 200, then stopped, and haven’t kicked it back up (last time I tried it ramped up my vertigo, but I can’t take that risk since I’m a teacher. Going to wait till Spring Break to kick it up again.). Seems to be helping a bit, in conjunction with the verapamil. Looking forward to working up to a higher dose…

Hi erika

I managed to get up to 300mg, it is making my vertigo worse but maybe it will settle in a while.

Would love to know if anyone has had any success with gabapentin by itself, couldnt see anything in the success stories, infact can’t find anything anywhere!

My neurologist put me on gabapentine straight away before I was diagnosed because I was deteriorating so rapidly. I must have a cast iron constitution as I’m now on 2500mg a day and haven’t noticed any major side effects. I started on a low dose and have increased every time my symptoms escalated. It has helped me suppress a lot of symptoms including permanent headache that I had for over 2 months. I’m also undergoing physio to correct my balance which is helping but the side effects of trying to reprogramme my brain is very debilitating and wipes me out. I’ve been told things will get worse with treatment before they get better and to expect more headaches and exacerbations so I’m just hanging in there. I have just been diagnose with a very underactive thyroid which is not yet responding to treatment if anything it’s getting worse so I can’t say gabapentine has help with my energy levels as I appear to be on rations in that department.

If you really can’t tolerate even low doses of gabapentine perhaps it’s your body telling you it’s not the right drug for you.

Thanks Ruby, is gabapentin the only drug you’ve tried, whose care are you under currently?
The VRT can be tough, I tried it for over a year, I got a really hardcore program that ended up provoking attacks, so I had to taper back down. I do very little now.

10 days Gabapentin at 300 mg. No good or bad effects. Felt like I was taking sugar pills.

It made my balance way worse but didnt affect my dizziness. It was super super sedating too but i should have gone up on it slower. i have severe chronic pain and it was wonderful for that but i couldnt stay on it bc it made my balance worse.

interesting! yer I’m not having fun on gaba, after 4 days at 300mg seemed to be hanging in there then smack i could no longer keep my eyes open, i also developed mild lung irritation, so thats when i decided to wheen off of it, currently on 200mg, but from what ive heard it doesn’t seem to have helped that many people.