for those of you that have bad posture and causing aches or migraines

This really works and there is a whole variety of them. It’s for people who has office jobs who is typing away all day forces your arm to be forward. A simple test you can do if you have slouchy posture is just lay your arms down and if your thumb is facing inwards, that means your shoulders are too forward. This device will force your shoulder back and it’s a constant reminder to keep you upright.

(NB from admin: these images link to products members have found helpful and at the same time help fund the site: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. More recommended products here. Thanks for your support!)

Back Posture Corrector (unisex)
More health accessories here


i could not find the receommend products page.

Put this on the appropriate page.


good one. Have you tried this ? I think my neck aches are from the migraine themselves cos even after fixing my posture i still have the neck pain. I need to start work on neck strengthening and more stretching.

I had a different one previously but it was too tight under my pits.

looks like the gun holster detectives sport in the movies :slight_smile:

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Done, added here and replaced your link with a nice image. Thanks for the suggestion!

btw, you can access that page via the hamburger menu, top-right:


Which gives you a menu and that has a Recommended Products link:


But no worries, because only I can edit my posts there.

There is also a big link in the header btw, but this only shows on desktop and tablet:

Are you accessing on mobile or something? Perhaps it’s a bit hidden away on mobile?

Any suggestions on improving navigation welcomed, however I’m somewhat constrained by the forum engine, especially on mobile where there is less space for customisations.

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I agree entirely. As I’ve improved my balance, and the migraine symptoms subside, I get aches and pains popping up here and there. Bad ache, ankle ache, and they all trace back to an underlying change(for me it’s moving back every time) from the ‘any old shape as long as I keep upright and functioning’ to how I walked pre-MAV’s arrival.

Poor posture is common. It’s bad for you and guess affects proprioception which isn’t good for MAVers cos we need every bit of help with balance we can get. Gadgets are short term fix, have their uses to temporarily get you through a day in your life at a time but I reckon fix MAV - which, I believe is a ‘migraine variant balance disorder’ - and that should fix most of the rest. As a by the by physios realky seem to frown on such aids for some reason. I used a knee support at one time (nothing to do with MAV) and was got caught by my ohysio and told off! Helen

I have scheuermann’s disease (chronic spinal pain) and do a lot of computer work (so poor posture also part of the scheuermann’s) so I’ll give this a try thanks!