Effexor Dosage Suggestion

Hello all!

I know some people out there have had experience with Effexor at various dosages. I am currently at 37.5mg of Effexor but I kind of feel like I’m hitting a plateau. What dosages/combinations have worked for you? I don’t know if I should switch medications or if I should just try something more with Effexor. Please let me know your thoughts when you can!

You were previously on Amitriptyline right ? Keep the Ami if your doc is alright with that.

Effexor is a rifle which hits Serotonin and norepinephrine. Amitriptyline is a shotgun which hits many receptors including Serotonin and norepinephrine(Considering the current political climate in the US using guns to make a point is a bad example)

Even within the same SSRI family every med works differently. I know many people for whom one worked when others did not.

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My doc and I talked and said I am either go up on the Effexor or add in some amitriptyline. She is favoring going up on the Effexor. So I think I will try that first. One thing that has been bothering me is I feel out of it recently, like my brain is shut off. Quite annoying.

I am on 75 mg of Effexor and 25 mg of Ami, being 80% better (still have bad days).

Thank you for your suggestions. I am currently taking 37.5 plus a third more of another capsule. I’ve been having a really hard time focusing today and even had a period in time when my surrounding were blurry. Has that happened to anyone?