Doc said im hopeless?

After 10 years of constant vettigo and rocoing sensations, which have now gotten to the point where i cant get out of bed at all, and have tried to end my life 3 times, my gp told me that if they havent sorted it by now they never will and i just have to live with it. Any chance anyone can help me out hope wise? I just cant take it anymore…


Please do not listen to your GP what steps exactly has he taken to help you? Has he referred you to the right people? You need to see a neuro-otologist and there are are a couple in the Uk it’s there opponion you need to seek please please go to see a dr like this! GPs rarely understand mav!

Doctors should never tell you that. He probably just feels powerless and doctors hate feeling that way. Mine told me 10 years ago that for now science didn’t seem to have what i needed to get treated (for vertigo). And then i discovered osteopathy and manual therapy, which made me able to walk again without hanging to walls. And i still have moments, where i can’t get out of bed, but i have many moments where i can enjoy activities even if it’s not perfect. I’ve learned to think it’s good enough for me because there are so many small beautiful and wonderful things in life. You just need to find what makes you happy and hold on to that while you try new things. Go see another specialist. There is always hope, always new things to try, new medication. Don’t give up… nothing is permanent and things can always get better. :slight_smile:

Hi Emily,

I dont know if you have tried it yet, but if you haven’t read the book “Heal Your Headache” by Dr David Buccholz - my opinion is this guy knows more about migraine than most, just read his book see where it takes you. :smiley:
Good luck

I have had migraines 2 years and few days before I had the first ocular one. With no warning, went blind for a few minutes, twice in five minutes. My doctor confirmed it was not a stroke. That was my baddest experience.