Do benzos mask the symptoms or increase the trigger threshold

I’ve had MAV 15 yrs and I don’t think there is ‘normal’ for MAV generally. Every person is affected differently. What’s ‘normal’ for me, wouldn’t be for you. It varies. Also it can change for each individual. We say it ‘morphs’.

Have you actually been told it’s probably MAV. I know you said you have CI but is the MAV confirmed. From exp I’d doubt it. Doesn’t seem to take much by way of complications for doctors to get confused I’ve found. And CI and MAV hv overlapping symptoms so must be difficult. The neuro-otologist I saw was insistent that one had to have had vertigo to have MAV but other medics apparently don’t agree. You say you have never had vertigo??

I managed to work between acute attacks for a decade with episodic MAV and 90% on it on screens. Mine would go away completely between attacks so it wasn’t a problem. Wasn’t in employment anyway when it went chronic. Know I couldn’t have worked at all (over 3 years+ now) since it went chronic. Many months couldn’t look at any screen at all. In UK would imagine it would be very difficult to obtain benefits with MAV but you’ll have to give it a try I guess. Good luck. I’d guess you’d need a letter from the specialist, might help.

Presumably you have specs with prisms for yr CI. Don’t wear sunglasses indoors what ever you do. Makes you more light sensitivity. You can obtain FL71 rose tinted specs to help with screens if symptoms are produced by light sensitivity. Theraspecs are US ~based. Coloured lens wouldn’t help with CI. presumably you’ve been tested for Irlen Syndrome?

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