CranioSacral Therapy

Has any one tried this?
if so , what did it do?

CranioSacral Therapy

Gentle Effective Bodywork for People of All Ages

CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, noninvasive, yet effective type of
bodywork. Seldom does the therapist use more than five grams of
pressure (the weight of a nickel).
The Craniosacral System
The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and fluid that
surround and support the brain and spinal cord. It extends from the
bones of the head (cranium) down to the bones at the base of the
spine (sacrum). The fluid within the membranes is continuously
draining and refilling.

The filling and draining creates gentle, rhythmic, expanding and
contracting movements that can be felt anywhere in the body by the
trained therapist. These movements are the craniosacral rhythm. They
occur at a rate of about six to twelve complete cycles per minute.

The therapist gains valuable information about where the body would
most benefit from change by monitoring the craniosacral rhythm. The
source of pain isn’t always obvious.

Benefits For All Ages
CranioSacral Therapy is helpful for people of all ages. It has
successfully been used to treat such diverse conditions as headaches,
TMJ dysfunction, chronic middle ear infections, vertigo, depression,
back pain, joint immobility, neck pain, sinus congestion, migraines,
learning disabilities, the effects of childhood trauma and negative

In infants, it is used to treat colic, sleep disorders, feeding
problems, breathing or digestive difficulties, various congenital,
neurological and genetic problems, plus the effects of forceps,
vacuum extractor or cesarean delivery.

A Typical Session
You rest fully-clothed on a massage table while the therapist
monitors your craniosacral rhythm with her hands. She conducts other
gentle assessments and corrects the sources of pain and dysfunction
using gentle manipulative techniques. This sets the stage for your
body to most efficiently use its own power to heal. Because the body
exerts considerable energy to adapt to its restrictions, most people
find the sessions to be deeply relaxing.

SomatoEmotional Release
We store our life experiences in our bodies. Because the CranioSacral
Therapy techniques are gentle, but powerful, the effects go deep
without stimulating the body’s defenses. They can easily unlock the
residue of trauma stored in the tissues. This unlocking and
facilitated resolution process is called SomatoEmotional Release. It
is an integral part of CranioSacral Therapy.

SomatoEmotional Release uses dialoguing and therapeutic imagery along
with other verbal, energetic and physical support techniques to
initiate change. These techniques promote the discovery and gentle
release of the restrictions that contribute to pain and dysfunction.

Emotions rise to the surface, but emotional release is not
necessarily a painful, cathartic event. It can be a friendly
negotiation between you and your various parts. When we cling to our
once-helpful coping mechanisms after they cease to be useful, they
reemerge as sources of pain and restriction. The therapist is the
facilitator and mediator as she helps guide you toward resolution.

After receiving this process-oriented type of bodywork, people report
greater clarity, peacefulness and insight along with positive change
in their physical symptoms.


As I understand it there are two types of practitioners- one is cranialsacral therapy and the other is cranial osteopathy.

I have seen both - both times for crushing migraine pain (not to treat dizziness.) The cranial sacral therapist did nothing for me - waste of time in my case. It also left me deeply sceptical about their efficacy. I wouldn’t go again. The cranial osteopath who is a trained osteopath who has chosen to specialise in this field, was nothing short of a miracle worker. He had been highly recommended but I went in totally sceptical due to my prior experience. However I was so desperate to be pain free I was willing to try anything. I’d had a a week long migraine, I was almost unable to sit on the bus on the way there I was in so much pain. I left his practice an hour later totally pain free and felt so great I chose to do the hour long walk home. I couldn’t quite believe it. However I was in a dizzy free patch at the time, often the way when I am experiencing actual headache pain. and I noticed no subsequent lessening of dizziness etc. I have been since for pain when I have been a bit spacey/off and it has done nothing to lessen the dizzy sensations. My hunch is it is good for pain and not for dizziness. So any MAVers out there who get headaches it might be worth a shot.

In terms of what they do. They lay their hands on your head as you lie down and then do the most minor of shifts with their hands. With the cranial osteo I could feel occasional weird sensations throughout my body - especially in my back, like muscles were twinging and moving. It’s actually very relaxing. One time I actually fell asleep.

Oh, BTW, if anyone is in London England and wants to know his name, I’m happy to pass it on.

my last physical therapist tried this on me cause he didnt knwo how to do vrt and it didnt work for me made me feel a little worse from laying on a table for 45 mins i dont really think it helps dizziness

thank you for the description Hanna,
I suppose anythings worth a try if you have the money.
sorry you have migriane head pain, I used to suffer them before, but now only the vertigo, I know how disabeling it can be.
yuck! :x
all the best

thanks guys


i had that once by a PT who was well trained, but who is not what I would call a good healer - she does not pay attention to her patient, does not enter the patient/healer “container.” Joe will know what I mean.

i told her going in that i was very sensitive, especially to body work. I got the usual yea, yea yea. I happen to know this woman very well, we’re close friends (well before I got sick we were) and she was yacking when she was working on me. I could tell she had lost connection with me and was just moving her hands around, harder and harder (in the beginning it was just as Hannah described it, subtle little movements) so i ended the session.

Even so, the results were disasterous. I was going in for something other than migraine and it made matters much worse, along with causing problems all over my entire body which took a good six weeks to settle down. I was practically cripple during that time.

I’m glad to hear Hannah has a good story, because since that session, i’ve had nothing good to say of the technique, even though i hear so much good about it.

just like anything else, it’s not just the technique so much as the healer who is practicing - right Joe?

Jen, you’ve got good instinct and intuition, if you decide to do it, you’ll know, hopefully sooner than I did, whether it’s wrong. I felt stuck, because it was a friend, and because I have a hard time speaking up :frowning:


Great blog from Science Based Medicine regarding CranioSacral Therapy. At best it’s a relaxing scalp massage. There is NO science to it:

I tried the craniosacral therapy back in February for 2 months. It did nothing for me other than I found it relaxing just laying on the table for 30 minutes. Waste of time and money.

Vic - what’s so special about the turmeric? :lol:

I had some cranial work done by my uni physio and it had a positive impact on the headaches I was getting post-whiplash, as did bowen. Become I get shot by scott and /or Vic I’m willing to entertain the idea that it was placebo wrapped up in relaxation and making me feel special. But it was uni, it was cheap and whichever for those things it was it helped :lol:


Tumeric is the super spice, kind of like how Gojji berries are a super food. Good for all that ails you! Cough. Apparantly…

You had your cranial work done by a physio. Key word there. Physio. An actual discipline with actual results. And personally, a scalp massage, just as part of a normal massage makes me so relaxed I start drooling and nodding off. Fabulous. But ‘cranio sacral therapy’? Bollocks. :lol:

My ex studied Bowen. She had to practice on me all the time. I’ll give you this, it made me fall asleep on the table every time but fix anything. Nope. More bollocks. I think you can group all of this stuff into “relaxation” treatments and that’s about it.

This is an old post, but I will comment anyway just for future people looking at this.

I have had cranial sacral done along with PT a few times. Then last week I changed providers and went with someone my massage therapist kept telling me about. I had a short visit on a Tuesday, felt okay. Long visit on Friday and again on the following Tuesday.

The outcome is these:

Tuesday-- hypotension within 45-hour after leaving
Friday-- within 30 min’s after leaving… I got hypotension again. About an hour or so after… I went from 85% dizzy free ( for 9 days ) to 50%.
days saturday… sunday… monday… I got back up to say 65% dizzy free.

Tuesday- 1 week later from first visit… hypotension within min’s of leaving and dizziness back down to 50% within first hour.

On both Tuesday and Friday I had a headache going into it, and when I left the headache was completly gone. Tues’ ha came back Friday on the drive there, no kidding.

Soooooo If it can bring me down in dizziness, and cause hypotension WHILE taking a headache away. It obviously does something. I know Im not imaging a headache feeling better and certainly not imaging my dizziness back!!! agh… not sure if I will get back to 85% again. So disappointed.
I will not do it again, but wont and cant argue that its a fraud either.

Dukes up… Scott and Vic… lol! Just for the record you two, Im a pretty skepticle person. I dont go by what I read online or in research and reports, I go by what I feel, and I believe that is more believable then all the “research” online. :smiley:

*** Hypotension on all 3 visits, less than an hour after, and continued all day. Hypotension NOT on any of the following or prior days of appointments. Hmmm once, maybe a coincidence… 3x wth??


Hi Kristina,

It obviously does something.

Craniosacral is right up there with acupuncture. No evidence for efficacy, no science and just more placebo effect you’re experiencing. You would probably get the same effect with a Hawaiian massage and hot rocks placed all over your back.

Craniosacral Therapy
Like many SCAM modalities, from Reiki to Chiropractic, Craniosacral Therapy (CST) was invented? discovered? fabricated? pulled out of the a…, well, er, Drs Novella and Gorski want this to be a professional blog *, so lets say, a three letter word that starts with ‘a’. Air. It was pulled out of the air by William Garner Sutherland.

I go by what I feel, and I believe …

Tell you what Kristina, the next thing I think you should try is this stuff – called Arium. You pop a couple of tablets a day.

The doctor who prescribed this and used it went by what he felt too. He said it made him feel like he had the energy of a young boy and was definitely fixing up his myalgia. Guess what? He died full of cancer shortly after. He had been exposing himself to ionising radiation for months.

“Is rheumatism dragging you into old age? How radium reduces inflammation, relieves pain and renews the energy and vigor of youth - Arium now recommended by leading physicians as the new harmless way to obtain radium for internal use. $5,000 reward if they fail.”

Another New York sportsman at the time died in gruesome circumstances after using Radiothor (radioactive health drink). His bones disintegrated and his teeth blackened photographic plates. I agree with you Kristina, forget the research and science. What do they know right? Let’s all go by our intuition and how we feel.


Been there done that…waste of time for me…couldn’t believe I paid $65 for someone to hover their hands over my head. Wish there was a quick fix but I have tried so many natural therapists who promise to cure me…none of which do anything. Neck physio has probably been the most effective treatment for my headaches/migraines. I see I fantastic therapist in Melbourne - Ken Niere.

It gave me temporary relief and this was a clue for me that my issue was a csf issue. My practitioner teaches this in the area, so a true expert in this field. I wondered if it was craziness, but I was willing to try anything. He found that my csf flow was badly “out of balance” and pinpointed the problem to be in the neck area (right side). He applied gentle pressure for an hour or so in that area of the neck, and I got relief from the dizziness, unfortunately, it was never long-lasting, and he did not diagnose a leak.

Once I went to Duke, several csf leaks were found (you guessed it, on the right side of my neck). The rest of my story is complex from there, but my leaks have been patched, and I have no more dizziness, I do still have some headaches, but they are slowly reducing as well.

I would imagine a person could get temporary relief for this condition, but nothing permanent. If you do get relief, then I would suggest it is a sign of high or low csf pressure…high pressure pretty much treated with MAV drugs and weight loss (if over-weight) and low pressure (less common and more complex) treated with caffeine and rest, and if it does not heal on its own, then patching.

— Begin quote from “Kristina”

Just for the record you two, Im a pretty skepticle person. I dont go by what I read online or in research and reports, I go by what I feel, and I believe that is more believable then all the “research” online. :smiley:

— End quote

I think you truly mean what you are saying here Kristina which I find to be really quite concerning. You’re not alone though. There was a paper discussed here where I work recently highlighting the inability of some consumers in being able to identify quality information about medicines, medical tests or treatments on the internet. Given your comment, you clearly fall into this category as you are not able to identify quality health-related information.

The paper which I am posting here for you to read discusses a simple technique that was put together called the DARTS tool. DARTS stands for Date, Author, References, Type and Sponsor. I’ll put a snapshot of this up later. But you have to realise that there is a difference between medicines information or treatments that you read about on the Huffington Post for example compared with the information published on a site like Science-based Medicine, or even PubMed. They are not the same. Using this tool will help you to identify quality and trustworthy information. If you don’t know how to find quality information you may as well subject yourself to coffee enemas and hope for a migraine cure.

I hope this helps.


cool paper - thanks scott