Citalopram (Celexa), panic/anxiety attacks and MAV

Hi Sarah. It’s hard to give you advice as I don’t know what your diagnosis is. In regards to the Citolopram, I had no SE’s like you describe, however, we are all different. I suffer from ear pressure and fullness and occasional ear pain but I attribute that to MAV not medication. Could this be the same for you? In regards to other anxiety Meds, I know a lot of people who have success with Zoloft. Anxiety can be a natural result of our medical condition so finding a good med can be helpful.

I don’t have an ‘official’ diagnosis with regards to anxiety/stress (well if I have I haven’t seen it). I am persevering with the Citalopram at the moment and reducing the Propranolol and Diazepam so I can stay awake! I am a bit restless and agitated again but I have been much less sleepy today which is good.

I do think my ear symptoms are med related because they start with the meds and disappear or certainly lessen when I come off the ones that do this. My experience with Topiramate was horrible.

The fact that my GP listens to me and is open to my suggestions (within reason) makes me feel more comfortable with continuing Citalopram, because I know he won’t pressure me to stay on it if I say I’ve had enough. He has already said I could stop all of those and start Pregabalin instead if that is what I want. But the reason he didn’t give it to me before was because it makes you tired and I need to be alert to do my job. I don’t want to do that but it is nice to be given choices. It makes a big difference being allowed to have some control over your treatment.

I read somewhere that Zoloft (Sertraline) is more sedating than Citalopram. Do you know if that’s true?

Have your heart issues calmed down? I had cardiac issues develop exactly when my VM symptoms began. So strange!

@tracebean Thanks so much for responding to this! It sounds like you and I are in the same boat. If I am seated or lying down my heart rate doesn’t get much higher with dizziness unless the dizziness gets really unbearable. But when I am standing or walking and get dizzy my heart rate does go up. But honestly the heart rate increase itself doesn’t bother me, I am just not sure if it is further contributing to the dizziness.

I am currently wearing a 14 day heart monitor patch so the doctor can see what my highs, lows, and averages are when I’m not stimulated in the doctor’s office by the fluorescent lights, noises, movement, etc. I am on day 11 of the 14 days. I can also push a button if I can feel increased symptoms and the device will flag that moment so they can look at that instance further and see if there is anything there.

Did you find that the beta blockers decreased your dizziness at all or just the high heart rate during your dizziness? I am thinking if I can find a beta blocker that works for me I will probably also need another medicine to go with it to combat my dizziness.

I am also 100% with you on NOT wanting any more of the “head meds.” I have tried Lexapro twice now and have had different reactions, but all horrible. The last one gave me the most terrifying panic attack of my life and left me with lingering fear and a sense of doom for over 24 hours. Currently my doctors want me to try Lexapro again or Amitriptyline again (I tried it 3 times last year but it made me much dizzier and I couldn’t stay on it long enough). It’s basically choosing between the hell of “head meds” that also give me GI upset or a med that increases my dizziness. Those SE’s are the ones I have the most trouble dealing with.

Thanks for your response, it helps to know that others out there are having high heart rates with the dizziness. My heart rate was always fine before this condition started.

dear jess

I dont’ post much because I have Menieres and not MAV but the two can have similar symptoms.

I wanted to post because although I am not medically qualified it struck me that it is possible there is a link to the heart rate problems you have and the dizziness. Only a doctor can determine that but it might be worth exploring so at least you can rule it out.

@Gettingthereslowly Thank you for your thoughts on the manner. Yes, my neurologist thinks it’s contributing, but that I definitely have some type of migraine issue going on as well. I’ve been to a cardiologist, however, and she doesn’t think the dizziness is being caused by anything cardio related. I just sent in a 2 week heart monitor patch that I wore, so I should be hearing those results within 2 weeks or so. At a minimum I think my higher heart rate is secondary to worse dizziness, but we’ll see if the monitor shines any light.