Balance in the dark-anyone else have trouble?

does anyone else have trouble getting around in the dark? my doctor says it’s common for meniere’s patients, especially in the later stages. i use a flashlight to get around the house at night because otherwise i can’t get my bearings. any suggestions on how to deal with it or how to improve it? i had a gent injection 9 days ago and i know the extra difficulties i’m having at the moment are from that. trying to do some exercises/physical therapy to help but don’t know what to do to help at night.

Honestly bright light is what gets me a lot of the time… But apparently I’m still in the early stages. Both my room mate and I have trouble with bright lights so we keep the house kind of dark.

Yes, me too. The reports on my balance tests even say I overly rely on my eyes. I cant balance in the dark.

Just try to keep some type of light on or have close access to a light if you wake up in the middle of the night & need to get up.

I have a problem when I’m taking a shower, get soap in my eyes & have to close them. That gets dangerous! :frowning:

thanks ds and in8 for replying. i guess i’ll just keep with the flashlight by the bed and hope it gets better. the past couple nights weren’t quite as bad.

showers though are still an adventure. :shock:

I think you’ll be ok, just being aware helps.
Perhaps adding another bit of feedback like keeping your finger tips on the wall will help stabilize you if you have to close your eyes or it is very dark.

When I feel dizzy & wobbly I do some “grounding” visualizations where I really focus on my feet being on the ground, feel my souls on the floor, even imagine roots growing from my feet into the earth. It works to some extent… of course when its really rocking or the spinning starts all bets are off… cant talk yourself out of that one unfortunatly, right?

i do that sometimes. talk myself through whatever wobbliness i’m experiencing. it’s always an internal conversation. i can only imagine if i were speaking out loud what other people would think :lol: there was a phase i was going through where the floor would all of the sudden shift dramatically and quickly on me. i would stop and a conversation like this would go on in my head…

you’re fine.
no, stupid, the floor just shifted 180 degrees, i am not fine.
look around, can’t you SEE that the floor is exactly as it is supposed to be?
ok, i SEE that, but why don’t i FEEL that?
are you serious? do you not realize it is impossible for the floor to move??
i don’t care what’s possible and impossible, i’m telling you this floor just moved.
ok, if you are so sure, ask somebody nearby if they saw or felt the floor move?
hey you, did you just feel the floor move? (i did ask this out loud to a friend once)
ok, just checking

had to have this conversation with myself once while in the shower. it felt like the floor dropped out from beneath me. i grabbed the curtain the wall and held on and went through a similar conversation with myself. after that one though, i did get some pretty serious vertigo and barely made it out and onto the bed.

good news is that i think i am progressing a little bit.

Sounds like an instructor at a Tai Chi class I used to attend.

I would have thought it not unusual with any condition which results in increasing visual dependence and that includes later life.

However just wanted to bring the topic to the fore as a point of safety. I can just about manage these days but earlier on walking around in darkness proved impossible. Last night I switched the hall lights on and it threw the trip switch so I was balancing in the dark. Could be dangerous for the unaware.

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Not saying this will definitely work but look at taking 3-5 grams of Pantothenic Acid per day. Light sensitivity and night blindness is a sign that the iris isn’t functioning as it should in the given environment. It can’t adapt to the extremes - closed (brightness) and open (darkness).

B5 aids steroid hormone production and is integral for energy production to make everything happen - Coenzyme A

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