Setting appt. with Dr. Gianoli

Greetings Liv,

I just got back from my second visit to Dr. Gianoli. I had a PLF repair in November of '14 for my left ear…a PLF repair for my right ear in November of '15. Per comprehensive testing, I showed up “positive” for a fistula in both ears. I had a patch placed and followed the PLF protocol. That being said, nothing has changed much for me yet. Many symptoms have resolved since surgery though. Ear pressure/E.T. dysfunction has been fixed. Pulsating / vibrating in the ears has been fixed. However, I still have extreme ringing (escalated when I am symptomatic), light headed, etc. I am not taking any medications for MAV currently. I did take some earlier in my plight, but they did not seem to have an effect on me. I will be seeing a different physician in a couple of months to see what the next steps are. Several times during the day, my tone in the tinnuitis changes. When the tone changes, I instantly feel better. Do not know what this means…fluid in ear shifting, ear pressure changes, ??? Feel free to email me at to discuss more. Take care. Todd