Please help! MAV getting worse & I've tried everything

I was diagnosed with migraine associated vertigo/vestibular migraines 4 years ago. I went through a long series of tests and saw several dr’s to finally get this diagnosis, and tried pretty much every diet, prescription pill and even contacted a naturopath (who recommended too many supplements to name) For the record, prescription wise I’ve tried Zoloft, Propranolol, Verapamil, nortriptyline, amitriptyline, Effexor, gabapentin, topomax, promethazine and finally diazepam/valium. My doctor also started me on the B2, magnesium & CoQ10 regimen. I’ve also done a long term diet where I cut out all cheese, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, gluten, alcohol & processed foods (just off the top of my head, I followed the diet striclty) . I have several books on migraines & migraine diets and cut out as much as I could. My issues seem to revolve around weather patterns, lighting and whatever angers my ears. (I was tested and cleared of meniere’s, bvvp, or any inner ear issues)
Nothing has worked and I’m getting worse.
Besides from chiropractors (in my past working life, I was an x-ray tech and don’t trust them based on patient’s & dr’s opinions) and acupuncture (I’m open to, but my insurance doesn’t cover) I think I’ve tried everything else.
I’m hoping to find someone else who has proved to be a “hard case” who’s had some success. Right about now I’m willing to try anything!
I’ve seen two great neurologists, and they’re out of ideas as well. I’m not looking for a miracle cure, just any advice to make me a functional human again

I too have suffered endlessly with MAV, this time Sept 2014/April 2015. The only things that truly worked for me

  1. Had to go to hospital for migraine cocktail. That stopped the migraines to the point I could use other drugs to control/stop them 2) Physical Therapy - my local hospital had a therapist who treated dizzy people and she is the best. After trying her traditional vestibular retraining exercises which really weren’t helping too much. She did some research and there are 2 muscles the run down the back of your head/neck - these contribute/or are affected by migraine and can also contribute to vertigo. Once she checked these and found they were all bunched up - she has been working them and now after my 3rd trip - I have been Vertigo free for 2 days - a miracle for me for sure. If you have not yet tried physical therapy please do so - I didn’t think it would help for me - but in the end it has.

Thank you very much, I will definitely look into this! The only physical therapy my doc mentioned was the retraining exercises and he didn’t really belive they will help much. When I have a particularly bad one, my neck is completely stiff, so either way it can’t hurt to try it out!