Migraine World Summit online

I just wanted to let folks know [you may already have seen this] about the summit. I’m thinking of buying the VIP access pass, so that I can listen/look at this later, but have not done so yet. See what you think…worth the money?
Here is the link: Order 2021 - Migraine World Summit

Hi phillyshriv,

Just to let you know I e-mailed the organisers about dedicated speakers on VM and got this reply:

Hi Lorraine,
Vestibular migraine is one topic that we do not have a speaker dedicating an entire talk on. It does come up in some talks, but not extensively.
After the Summit, I’ll be requesting feedback and if you would like a vestibular migraine speaker next year that would be the best time to mention it.

Kind regards,

Migraine World Summit
Email: info@migraineworldsummit.com

Disappointing they are not having any experts discuss VM!

The World Migraine Summit 2017 is on again this year and tomorrow they’re including VM:


Hope it’s useful!

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Thanks for sharing. How you guys faring?

Doing better thanks James. I saw Dr Surenthiran in March and it was borderline whether or not he gave me another drug besides the Pizotifen. But he decided not, which was a relief.

Since then I’ve gotten a bit better, less symptoms and no vertigo attacks since February and that one was a lot milder. It seems so long as I don’t overdo things it keeps it down. So I’m still to return to work.

Tinnitus too has moments of being quieter and on the odd occasion it’s even completely gone, which feels very strange!

Hope you’re fairing better too James.

Not bad, thanks, if not as good as I’d hoped given 3 weeks of apparent remission in Jan. Looking forward positively though. Mentally I’m in a much better place than last year. MAV won’t stop me doing things I enjoy though! Like you I get periods of relative quiet!

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iam really not up to date with technology these days so could someone please keep me informed about this migraine world summit as iam also at work so will not be able to know what its all about, please please please :slight_smile:

@Lorri Thanks so much for alerting us to this!! I registered today, it’s free if you listen to the presentations/talks within 24 hours of the day they’re posted. The genetics one today was interesting, and provided some hope for the future. Tomorrow a talk will be given that will be partially on vestibular migraines!

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