Hey Guys

There are so many things for you to consider. I hope you start with reading an article at this site: Vestibular Migraine Survival Guide 2014 - VM/MAV - mvertigo.org vestibular disorders support forum I have found success by: taking Nortriptyline on occasion (for three months on occasion when I have had a major episode), no alcohol, caffeine, MSG and only small amounts of dairy, citrus, being aware of and reducing foods with tyramine, really staying hydrated (70 ounces of water and herb tea day), reducing head motion, and, for me, only small amounts of high histamine foods. They aggravate ear fullness and tinnitus. My doctor, an oto-neurologist at UCI Medical center, recommends B2, magnesium and feverfew. There are many good articles and books to read so I hope you can look at my resource page for the links. Too many to list here. There is much you can do but it will take a little while to wrap your head around everything. Good luck. (www.vertigotalesandtastes.blogspot.com