Has anyone been diagnosed with a brain tumor (or other neurological condition)?

This post isn’t meant to scare anyone. Brain tumors are very rare and often don’t cause any symptoms.

I was diagnosed with a cerebellar brain tumor 4 years ago. They operated a few weeks after the diagnosis. The cerebellum plays a major role in balance, eye stability and spatial awareness among other functions.

Therefore, it should not be surprising that I have vertigo, dizziness and issues with spatial orientation, as that part of the brain is damaged. I have trouble with loud noises, ladders, fast moving objects, reading and bright lights.

Recently I have been told that I am a migraineur. I am awaiting the report, but I think they mean MAV.

I am wondering if there are any other sufferers that have a history of other neurological issues.

Just when you think you’ve had it tough with your health, someone like you posts. Well done for getting through that and keep strong!! Maybe your brain just needs time to recover from the surgery? … its an amazing organ, keep the faith!

(I learned of a young girl who had to have HALF her brain removed to cure her of a nasty infection. By aged 15 she had completely compensated and appeared completely normal)

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