DR says MAV (& fibro), anyone w/light sensitivity?

Hi Jamie,

just a quick few things:

regarding the kidney stones/lemon juice issue. To bypass the teeth, have you tried drinking it with a straw to avoid enamel erosion? I’m pretty sure you’ve already tried this but wanted to mention just in case.

Secondly, I am a chronic kidney stone sufferer (that’s why can’t even try Topa) and so is my dad, etc… One remedy we have used successfully is Parsley juice (well, you boil Italian parsley in water in a pressure cooker (or just a pot, if you don’t have the former). then you drink the strained water from it cold. The taste is hideous, so you might want to use a straw and even add lemon juice to it. The parsley juice has eroded many a stone in me and my father (he is an MD himself, and had before and after ultrasounds to prove). Just find out about the Parsley juice, though, since it might do something to the electrolyte balance, which the Topa already seems to mess with.

Finally, really quick questions:

  1. can you please direct me some info/source about the comment: “I use a monitor that doesn’t use PWM (pulse-width modulation) to control brightness.” Where can I find a monitor like that and what am i supposed to do with the settings when I have one?
  2. The blue-light filtering sun glasses - where do you get them from? I orderef FL-14 sunglasses from the Univ. of Utah Moran Eye Center but they don’t do the job. I feel that my regular sunglasses give me better filteration (and I walk around with them everywhere indoors except residences).
  3. I don;t have FB, but might join just for the mvertigo group. What’s their link/address?

Thanks a lot, Jamie :smile:
