Different triggers cause different symptoms?


Does anyone notice that different migraine triggers give them slightly different mav symptoms?


Very interesting question. My symptoms are very constant so it is hard for me to answer this question but it will be interesting to follow the discussion. I can imagine that it is possible.

The only way I can say I’ve noticed this is that different levels of attack mean different symptoms (or maybe it should be the other way around).

And different triggers can lead to this.

Yes, hormones always gave me back of the head migraines (3 days long). Chemicals give me the zig zag lights usually followed by a 3 day migraine.
Spinach gives me a full blow vertigo attack.


Thanks Christine, that is really useful to know.

Sorry for jumping on your post everybody…Christine - i realise this is off the topic, but i saw in a previous post of yours that you have hashimotos…i have had MAV now for 18 months, mine is kind of constant movement, floor moving and pains in my head every day, which kind of move about never the same place for more than 2 days…and the worst symptom which i cannot bear - 24/7 nausea…gut renching nausea…which is getting even worse :frowning:
My thyroid also went under active at exactly the same time that this all started, however they gave me levothyroxine and that was the end of it as my numbers were all good…despite seeing supposedly the best throid guy on Harley street and feeling like crap still, tired, weak etc etc…hmmmmm…i have been pushing and pushing, changed thyroid guy and he has done a check for antibodies which show i do have high antibodies and hashimotos…he has done a reverse T3 test which i have yet to get the result, and has supplemented low dose liothyronine 5mcg…which i start tomorrow…i know that thyroid can have a direct impact on compensation, but i have a feeling that the MAV and Thyroid are linked…where did you get with your thyroid - did you find a link?
Thanks :smiley: