Diagnosed with VM/MAV by Dr Surenthiran. Relieved, tired and anxious all rolled into one :/

Hello all. Not sure what to write. Almost two years ago I was hit with a first and disabling bout of ‘Labrynthitis’, followed by periodic dizzy spells I tried to ignore, then three months ago perpetual dizziness which has made everything I do difficult :frowning: Walking kids to school, popping to the pub, visiting a supermarket. After being tested by CT, ECG, eyes and ears and being diagnosed with Labrynthitis, fluid on the ear, BVVP and now after an appointment with Dr Surenthiran at Chatham Vestibular Migraines I have been prescribed Pre Gabalin. Terrified of taking it. Terrified of not taking it. I think I just wanted to find someone or some people who relate to this, or better, can tell me they used to have it but it’s gone completely and now they’re dizzy free! I can hope! Many thanks for any input :slight_smile: Tee.

Same pattern that I had, totally relate … a sudden then stuttering start then chronic imbalance. My theory, not a virus at all but rocks in the wrong place in your inner ear which will take a long time to dislodge, dissolve, disintegrate. Current scans available at hospitals can’t resolve that level of detail though, but I have all kinds of sensations of fluid moving when I get up, fluid gurgling and pressure in ear, so I bet my bottom dollar: 'It’s the plumbing dear!".

In time, whatever the cause, most people get better but can take a long while! In meantime don’t fear the meds, get involved, because it can be hard to function normally otherwise and that then has huge psychological implications. I’m one year into my chronic phase and I’m much more calm about it. Today, whilst on low dose Amitriptyline I’m almost dizzy free, but I know next week may be different, you just have to grin and bear it, symptoms will wax and wain.

You are seeing one of the best guys in the country to help you with your migraines.

Check out the post “Success Stories”!

Thankyou. I’d never heard of anything of the like before. I doubted the diagnosis at first. Something so disabling from the migraines I’d known didn’t seem right. Docs tomorrow with the Pre Gabelin prescription so will see what happens with that :confused: Good to see the success stories :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Teemarie

Very sorry I have just seen this posting of yours as, like you I am a Dr Surenthiran patient, and , like you, am on pregabalin. I went on it about 15 months ago, and am now weaning off of it. I am also on propranolol. I was also diagnosed as having labyrinthitis before then being properly diagnosed as having BPV and MAV. I have had no problem with the drugs at all…save a bit of blurry vision, tiredness etc, and my condition is 95% better about 95 % of the time…that other 5% isnt too bad either. So dont worry !! Dr S seems to know what he is doing. If you have any specific questions just message me

I cannot tell you how pleased I am to read this post :slight_smile: I will message if that’s OK. I’ve been on the Lyrica for three weeks but still only at 75 per day. Still waiting for any significant improvement but being very impatient perhaps … :confused:

I believe my MAV is caused by BPPV, or rather the thing that is causing my morning spins is to blame for the other symptoms. I wonder if loose otoconia cause inflammation in the inner ear wall which leads to higher pressure (as it’s all set in hard bone, nowhere for the expansion to go) and in turn that leads to pressure on the nerves causing tinnitus … How is your hearing? 1 year into chronic symptoms my balance is getting mildly better and tinnitus has started to calm.

Hi Teemarie. By all means send me a message, I will try my best to reply. I started on a low does of lyrica and went up to 600mg a day…but am on the way back down now (on 150mg now) My hearing is ok Turnitaround…maybe a little muffled in the right ear where I had the labyrinthitis. The BPV is gone now after I had the Epley manoeuvre.

I have the same slightly muffled feel in left ear. I hope it will improve with time. I hypothesise its about higher than normal pressure.