Depression related to vertigo

Just need to get this off my chest…

Dx with vertigo migraines in 2008, after ENT checking for inner ear causes.

I was dx with migraine with vertigo. No pain just vertigo… The episodes seem to be stress related, and I have gotten them every 9 months or so. They last about 5 days and are completely debilitating.
I am looking for any help I can get.
I don’t think the doctors take me seriously because my episodes are infrequent. By the time I reach out and ask for help the episode is over, so I probably don’t push hard enough with the doctors.
I hate how the episodes make me cower and make me so scared. They send me to a very very dark place. I don’t eat shower or get out of bed. I can barely walk to the barhroom. I lay in bed crying scared that it will never end and that I will never feel better again. I get scared that my boss will think I am faking and that I will lose my job. And then my family will crash and burn.
Afterwards I am nervous and shaky for months. Then as I get better and less scared I go back to normal.
Also because they are infrequent, I haven’t tried to find triggers or how to prevent the attacks.
Any encouragement and advice is appreciated.
I am on day 5, snd in that bad place.

Do you think it is a viral attack on your inner ear nerves that happens when you are sick or under a lot of stress? You might want to supplement with B12 and Vitamin C at a high dose when you feel the episode coming on since that could fend off the infection, if it’s a virus. I have a friend with vestibular problems too but his are different than mine… mine are more chronic. His come and go more violently like yours. He is supplementing with high dose (high quality) B12 and vitamin C. These vestibular problems are more common than we think, if that’s any consolation. They are horrible though, I know.