Depression aniexty and panic making mav worse

Has anyone dealt with aniexty depression and panic and crying all the time from this condition. It takes me an hour to get out of bed in the morning for fear of how I will feel. My gp said I am in complete panic mode all day. It’s affecting my health. Difficulty breathing lightheaded news racing heart weak arms tingling and pressure in head. Everything. Dr buchholz said anxiety and depression are potent migraine triggers. I am taking low dose nortrypline to start and now
.125 mg of xanax a few times a day. Anyone conquer this and has suggestion on how to stop feeling depressed from 24/7 mav sypmtoms would be appreciated.

Yes, I had terrible anxiety once this started, which lead to insomnia and depression…for months! Since most meds to treat MAV have the same success rate, they try to give you the med that will help any other conditions…i.e. in your case, an antidrepssant. I think once you get your serotonin levels upped, you will feel much better all around. Nori is good, but I wouldn’t say the best for treating anxiety and depression as well. Amitriptyline would probably be a better option. Also, I would consider taking a longer acting benzo to help with the anxiety (valium or klonopin)…it is such a suck fest, huh? I feel terribly for you as I have been there…but I promise it will get better!!

thanks Kelley for responding. I have had adverse reactions to both Klonipin and Valium. Sad because the Klonipin worked the best.
I guess I am stuck with the Xanax. Thanks again. I hope to god the nort works…

— Begin quote from “ladoren68”

Has anyone dealt with aniexty depression and panic and crying all the time from this condition. It takes me an hour to get out of bed in the morning for fear of how I will feel. My gp said I am in complete panic mode all day. It’s affecting my health. Difficulty breathing lightheaded news racing heart weak arms tingling and pressure in head. Everything. Dr buchholz said anxiety and depression are potent migraine triggers. I am taking low dose nortrypline to start and now
.125 mg of xanax a few times a day. Anyone conquer this and has suggestion on how to stop feeling depressed from 24/7 mav sypmtoms would be appreciated.

— End quote

Oh my gosh, yes!!! It ALWAYS makes me anxious, and over the winter, I even went through a clinical depression over it. The changes it has brought to my life just got me down – that and the exhaustion from constantly trying to stave off the panic I would get when I’d feel the dizziness and other symptoms. Just like you, it takes me an hour or more in the morning to work up the wherewithal to get out of bed and face the day, all for fear of how I will feel. I get the lightheadedness, racing heart (less so since starting Propranolol), tingling arms – all of what you describe. I have to take .5 mg of Ativan twice daily to get through. As for the depression, in order to get it under control, my doctor had to increase my Cipralex (Lexapro) to 20 mg a day. I hate being on all this medication, especially the Ativan, but it’s a matter of survival for me now. Are you on an anti-depressant? B/c if not, you may need to. Anyway, you are certainly not alone in how you are feeling.


I honestly believe my migraine started with stress and anxiety. I have the constant pulsating head pressure and lightheadedness ever since an anxiety attack back in September. I’m hoping once I get a handle on the anxiety/stress that my symptoms will go away. I’m wondering if for a lot of us anxiety is what started this crud???


I have anxiety and get teary a lot… and I’m a guy. This beast is terrible. Try staying active, exercise, eat healthy and keep regular sleeping patterns. I believe some people have beaten this thing through those steps. Use the search field to look up a guy named “beatles909”.

Ditto. I have had some very dark moments so far. I have not found any food triggers for my MAV, but I am certain that inadequate or inconsistent sleep is a major trigger, so I am determined, as of today, to institute a regular sleep pattern. As I understand it, this means going to bed and getting up at exactly the same time each day, including weekends, irrespective of whether you have had a bad or good night’s sleep IN other words, don’t lie in because you are tired and do not get up earlier because you feel refreshed. Be systematic, dare I say even robotic, about it, and see what happens…


Be very careful with the Xanax. I was only on 1 mg a day but for 3 years. My doctor never told me about the withdraw symptoms and how nasty it is to get off of it. I am still reducing but switched to another benzo to eventually get off of it. It was AWFUL. Xanax was so helpful for me but I would have never taken it knowing how hard it’d be to get off. Definitely only a temporary or once in a while drug.