Cured? 80+% better on Diazepam

I am sorry to hear this. It sounds like you are at a real low point. What city do you live in? There may be a support group for you. It sure helps to talk with other people and meet with them. There is a road out of all of this and you can take the first steps onto it… You need a knowledgeable neurologist who can deal with all your issues and maybe a support group. That’s where I would start. Sometimes university doctors have more information. Good luck

I’ve been on diazepam for years for MAV because nothing has worked. It still doesn’t stop it (each episode lasts 2 - 6 weeks with about 7 days in between) but it does suppress the vestibular system where some of the symptoms are more tolerable. Since this is a process of “suppressing” rather than “fixing” I stop taking it ever year for 10 days to make sure something else isn’t being suppressed and missed. I’ve never had any type of withdrawal…I’m lucky as I know most people would especially at the dosage I am on…but even with that, and it being one of the very few things that help at all, doctors don’t like it.

Valium 10mg Diazepam also help me to overcome anxiety disorders

Hi. Welcome to The Gang. Where I am in the U.K. I suspect you’d need a sawn-off shotgun to ‘persuade’ a GP to write a prescription. Very much frowned upon all benzos and have been for years. That’s not to say they don’t do the job particularly for Anxiety. After an horrendous dental experience as an infant I needed Valium at sixteen for dental work and it worked a dream. MAV and Anxiety go hand in hand. For long(er) term use I suspect SSRis might be a better option, at least according to this paper

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